> 春节2024 > 昆明冬天不冷英语怎么翻译




1. The winter in Kunming is warm, isn\'t it?
- Kunming, known as the \"Spring City,\" enjoys a mild and pleasant winter climate. With average temperatures around 15-16 degrees Celsius during the day and 3-4 degrees Celsius at night, it is indeed a comfortable winter destination. Compared to other cities in China, Kunming\'s winter can be considered as \"not cold.\"

2. Is it fit to swim?
- Kunming\'s warm winter temperatures make it suitable for outdoor activities, including swimming. With an average temperature of 15-16 degrees Celsius, the weather allows for comfortable water conditions. Many people take advantage of this and enjoy swimming during the winter months in Kunming.

3. He is having a walk near the pool.
- It\'s not surprising to see people taking walks near the pool in Kunming during the winter. With the mild winter weather, people can enjoy outdoor activities and exercise without feeling too cold. The pleasant temperatures make it an ideal time for walks and other outdoor recreational activities.




In this winter vacation, my parents and I had the opportunity to explore various places, including popular tourist destinations like Kunming, Xishuangbanna, Lijiang, and more. The winter season in Kunming offers a unique experience filled with pleasant weather and beautiful scenery, making it a great choice for a family vacation.


Contrary to popular belief, the winter season in Kunming is not cold. As mentioned earlier, Kunming is blessed with a mild and comfortable winter climate. During the day, temperatures hover around 15-16 degrees Celsius, while at night, it may drop to 3-4 degrees Celsius. Although there might be a significant temperature difference between day and night, overall, the winter weather in Kunming can be described as mild and enjoyable. So, if you\'re planning a trip to Kunming during the winter, you don\'t have to worry about freezing temperatures or extreme cold.






昆明的冬天,可以用一些形容词进行描述。比如说,“白雪皑皑的”、 \"寒风凛冽\"、 \"数九隆冬\"、 \"冷\"、 \"冰和雪\" 等等。除此之外,还有一些与冬天相关的成语,例如“残冬腊月”、“春生夏长”、“秋收冬藏”等。这些词语和成语可以更加生动地描绘昆明冬天的景象。



